we're here when you need us.
Providing Free Support for the ones that are trained to support us.
Our mission is to inspire hope and contribute to the continuous well-being and recovery process of Veterans and Front Line Protectors across Canada.
We seek to empower and encourage them to strive for recovery through peer and professional support while creating greater public awareness.

Treatment Sessions in Private or in a Group
Our mission is to inspire hope and contribute to the continuous well-being and recovery process of Veterans and Front Line Protectors across Canada.
We seek to empower and encourage them to strive for recovery through peer and professional support while creating greater public awareness.
We at OSI-CAN do not see PTSD or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder as a Disorder, we see it as an Injury you can recover from. If you are suffering from the symptoms of an Occupational or Operational Stress Injury, then a PTSD or PTSI diagnosis is not required to get our help

British Columbia Resources
Mental Health Helpline 24/7:1-877-303-2642
CMHA Distress Line 24/7: 310-6789
For Community Resources Call 211
BC Provincial Coordinator: 250-251-1653